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About us

Incensu is the National Register of Education Suppliers. We provide the powerful online platform for sharing rich, objective information on education suppliers through shared ratings and reviews. We help schools find, check and compare companies to get the very best suppliers to suit their needs while helping to bring down costs through collaborative purchasing.  

Incensu supports education suppliers by providing the infrastructure from which to base all their UK education marketing. The Register provides a level playing field for all suppliers from small local businesses to leading national suppliers. Our extensive education networks enable companies to achieve dependable connections with financial decision makers in all education settings including nurseries, schools, academies, multi-academy trusts, colleges and universities.  

Partnership Philosophy

Incensu's philosophy is one of partnership working to bring together leaders in the fields of school procurement and education marketing. 

Incensu's partnerships enable schools and suppliers to keep abreast of the latest developments in school business leadership and procurement as well as achieving discounts on recommended training opportunities, national exhibitions and advertising in leading education magazines.  

Through partnerships Incensu aims to help schools connect with the best suppliers to suit their needs, support reputable suppliers establish highly effective mulit-channel marketing to the UK education sector to grow and sustain their businesses and assist leading education marketers to promote their exhibitions, publications and other marketing services that bring together schools and suppliers.