Eversheds Sutherland (International) LLP
Member since: Sep 2015 • Company Status: LLP Company Check
Services: We advise academies on, academy project work, charity law and governance, child protection and safeguarding, commercial contracts, company law, criminal law, defamation and reputation management, defending employment tribunal proceedings, dispute resolution and litigation, education law, employment law, equality and discrimination law, estates matters (leases, shared use agreements), health and safety , HR case work (discipline, grievance, performance), immigration, information law (GDPR and FOI), judicial review proceedings, pensions (TPS and LGPS), student issues (admissions and exclusions), tax law advice
Regions: England, Wales
Recommending School: L.E.A.D. Academy Trust, East Midlands
We provide a genuine one stop shop for all of an academy's legal needs. Our multi-disciplinary team has worked on over 350 academy projects nationally and has unrivalled experience of working with converter academies, sponsors, MATs, UTCs, free schools and studio schools. Eversheds understand well the complexities of academy work and our approach can be summarised as follows:
• We pride ourselves on being accountable and straightforward. All of the education team believe in building long term relationships with clients. We see it as part of our job to transfer knowledge, helping members of client teams to gain confidence and skills from the experiences that we share together.
• Our education team comprises over 125 lawyers whose focus is on sector clients and their needs. We will provide each academy client with a dedicated client service team that has the right experience to support its particular needs. As well as being expert legal advisers in their particular fields, team members will have experience of acting for schools as well as other education sector clients.
• Our team has built up excellent relationships with the DfE and we are part of the DfE forum for academy legal advisers. Client service team members are also robust and experienced negotiators who are used to dealing with Local Authorities and trade unions in connection with academy matters.
• Each client has a principal point of contact for all instructions who will be responsible for allocating work to other members of the client service team as required. We report to clients on progress against agreed KPIs throughout our relationship. We are used to completing work to demanding deadlines.
• As well as having a direct telephone number and email, each service team member has a mobile phone and/or smartphone so that they are contactable when clients need them.
• We are always mindful of the need to secure outcomes which preserve the reputation of an educational institution and the fact that academies are subject to high levels of public scrutiny by their many stakeholders.
• We understand the importance of managing legal risks to our clients. We see it as our role to take responsibility for delivery of all of the necessary legal services so that members of your team can focus on their respective roles.
• We do not charge for travel time. Clients can also have access to our network of regional offices for the purposes of offsite meetings.
• The strength and depth of our team means that service delivery will not be disrupted by holidays or unforeseen absences.
• Eversheds Sutherland has a robust training and supervision policy to ensure that the advice that clients will receive is of the highest quality. We also actively seek feedback from clients through our established client care programme and measure our performance by regularly commissioning independent client surveys.
- Tel:
- 0113 200 4273
- Mob:
- 07876780298
- Email:
- benwood@eversheds-sutherland.com
- Address:
- 1 Wood Street, London, EC2V 7WS
- Website:
- http://www.eversheds.com/global/en/where/europe/uk/sectors/education/index.page
- Social:
Trade Bodies & Memberships
Law Society
Education Investor Law Firm of the year for 2014/1 • Deal Making Law Firm of the Year 2013/14 • Legal 500 Public Sector Firm of the Year 2013
Buying Clubs/Consortia Membership
Crescent Purchasing Consortium • Churchmarketplace
“Eversheds respond in a timely and efficient manner, and they are very succinct and to the point; and they keep the advice simple and present it in plain terms, rather than using complex legal jargon or wording. They are very clear in terms of their advice and guidance. For us it is about a firms' educational knowledge and their awareness of different developments, because they are a constantly moving beast at the moment. They have to have a track record in this, and they also have the capacity to support us; and that is very important. The range of support that we have accessed has been quite wide, and every single time Eversheds have come up with the right people who have been able to help us. I would say that these are our key assessment criteria, with educational knowledge being the biggest one. ”
Bobby Thandi, Business Director, L.E.A.D. Academy Trust
“Peers and clients alike wax lyrical about this ubiquitous force in the education market. Regarded as the primary player in the field, clients laud “a comprehensive service, extensive networks, highly ethical and professional people,” while others observe: “It treats us as an important client; we receive tailored service and regular client review meetings.”
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