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Trading name (uTrack ) Heteronomy UK Limited

Member since: Jun 2021 • Company Status: LTD Company Check

Services: Safeguarding , Bus tracking , real-time , Schools portal , Wonde Integration , Parent Complaints , Automated daily reports , Child Safety , Green technology

Regions: UK wide

About: Rygo is an all-in-one transport tracking platform for everyone! From passengers to operators and schools, RYGO allows passengers to accurately track the location of their bus, and bus operators to provide the best routes and reliable commuting services to school students and businesses.

9 Benefits for Schools


Track Child safety, keep roads around school gates safe by reducing car usage

Offer real-time Bus tracking for parents/children

Instant live visuals of bus and accurate ETAs. Our Real-time accuracy has been proven at Enterprise Level

Schools portal

The portal allows you to track and deal with administrative issues on a school and wider level, students can also use their existing student cards

Quickly address problems

See problems instantly and even predict them before they happen with our AI technology. Also hold the operator accountable to their performance to see where the service needs to improve

Parent Complaints

Receive, review, react and monitor issues raised by parents so that they can be dealt with and used to fix issues

Wonde Integration

We connect with Wonde information meaning that any important school information is automatically updated on Rygo. Here are the systems we can connect to through Wonde

Graphical user interface, application

Description automatically generated

ISO 27001 certified

We take data security very seriously especially when it comes to student data

Automated daily reports

Get daily reports sent to you automatically with all the important statistics you need to know

Promote sustainable transport solutions

Become more environmentally conscious as a school whilst also optimising bus routes so that they can run as safely and efficiently as possible.

9 Benefits for parents

Child Safety

Track transport to and from school so that parents know that their child is safe

Live tracking & updates

See the bus as it approaches the stop/school. Get notifications when it is nearby so parents/students know when to walk to the stop. See when the child has got on and off

Receive real-time alerts & notifications

These can be about timetable changes, reminders of events, days out, after school meetings or information about their child.

Available on any device

It’s quick, easy and FREE to download.

Green technology

Reducing paper means reducing our carbon footprint

Tailored information

Parents receive information that is relevant to them and their child allowing them to plan theirs and their child’s lives more effectively. They can also get fun updates – for instance, see pictures from a school trip their child was on.

Parent feedback

Users can take part in surveys and satisfaction questionnaires which can be logged and help improve the running of the school.

Economically beneficial

Parents save time and money not having to drive and do the school run 10 times every week

Pay for a term ticket

Make one payment for a whole term of travel so it’s one less thing to sort out

0121 314 1895
Bennetts Hill House, 24 Bennetts Hill, Birmingham, West Midlands, B2 5QP

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