Your Favourite Teacher
Member since: Aug 2018 • Company Status: LTD Company Check
Services: Interactive GCSE courses, Fully animated films of core subject matter, Fully Qualified and Experienced Teachers on Camera, 8 styles of interactive assessment, Revision podcasts, Downloadable revision guides, English, Maths and Science focus, Monitor student participation remotely, Interactive Personalised Learning Checklists, Live revision webinars during exam time, Fantastic support for students in Inclusion, Alter, More than 700 videos, 1000+ topics, 700+ quizzes,
Regions: UK wide
Recommending School: ,
Our fantastic online classroom gives students access to more than 60 rich, sequenced video-based courses in English Language, English Literature, Maths and Science. These fantastic resources can support students to achieve their absolute best.
Our platform is also superb support for those who aren't always in the classroom: for example, school refusers, those in Alternative Provision, Inclusion Zones or medically absent. We also support a wide range of Premier League and Championship League footballers who miss school regularly for training and competition.
As long as you have a phone, tablet or laptop, you can be learning.
Our expert teachers present each video lesson, and they're accompanied by topic pages, downloadable worksheets and exemplar essays, quizzes, podcasts and much more.
We also have course cover booklets designed to support non-specialists and cover colleagues deliver high-quality learning.
- Tel:
- 07484162183
- Mob:
- Email:
- kate@yourfavouriteteacher.com
- Address:
- 5C Cedar Court, Porters Wood, St Albans, Hertfordshire, AL3 6PA
- Website:
- https://www.yourfavouriteteacher.com/
- Social:

Trade Bodies & Memberships

ERA Finalist 2020 • ERA Finalist 2020

Buying Clubs/Consortia Membership
“Your Favourite Teacher is an exciting new business that has supported our disadvantaged students at Key Stage 4 this year.
From the start, it was clear how passionate Kate was about this business idea and her experience as a teacher has meant that the service is pitched perfectly. It also makes it easier to liaise with Kate and Your Favourite Teacher about how the students are working with the service.
What Kate has done is created a product that so many students (and teachers) are crying out for. We have also developed a close working relationship and they are incredibly responsive to any questions or queries that we might have.
I would not hesitate to recommend this business for schools that are looking to either support or further extend their students in the core subjects. ”
Elena Dundjerovic, Assistant Headteacher, Beaumont School
“Our students have all been engaged and encouraged by the YFT platform. The video lesson content has supported our learners and been enjoyed by students and staff alike. ”
Kim Lay, Head of Pupil Premium Learning, Cedars Upper School
“I have been a champion of this platform from the moment I saw it and have not been disappointed. YFT was an integral revision tool for all of our Year 11s and a huge support for some of our most vulnerable learners. ”
Tina Plucknett, Head of Year 11, Southchurch High School